ORIBE FLAT BRUSH – Plaukų šepetys

Original price was: 139.90 €.Current price is: 120.00 €.

-14% Off

Plokščias šepetys pagamintas iš pagal užsakymą sukurtos itališkos dervos, o meistriškas dizainas ir ergonomiška rankena užtikrina puikų laikymą ir subalansuotą svorį.

Šiame šepetyje sumaišyti šerno šeriai ir užapvalinti nailono smeigtukai su 97 % natūralaus kaučiuko pagalvėle švelniai stimuliuoja galvos odą ir poliruoja plaukus, kad jie būtų itin glotnūs ir blizgantys.

Gamintojas ORIBE (JAV)



Our Flat Brush is made with custom-designed Italian resin and combines artisanal design with an ergonomic handle for perfect grip and balanced weight. This brush features a mix of boar bristles and rounded nylon pins with a 97% natural rubber cushion to delicately stimulate the scalp and polish hair for an ultra-sleek, shiny finish.


Clean hair out of brush frequently. Rinse with care as necessary. Avoid aggressive detergents and chemicals. After rinsing, shake to remove excess water and let dry naturally. Brush can be soaked in a disinfectant solution for up to 10 minutes (do not soak overnight).


  • Features boar bristles & rounded nylon pins
  • Variation in bristle height ensures brush perfectly grips hair
  • Made of custom-designed
  • Italian cellulose acetate resin
  • Anti-static
  • Handle finished by hand
  • Made in Italy


ORIBE FLAT BRUSH - Plaukų šepetys

Original price was: 139.90 €.Current price is: 120.00 €.